Love, Love, Love

October 17, 2016

Hello, Monday!

It is the start of a new week and could be the beginning of something beautiful. I’ve been rolling this idea around in my mind. I’m sure I’ve written about choosing love, but I think it is a message that can’t be spread around enough — especially right now.

I don’t know about you, but I am ready for a change. The political conversation on both sides is just too much, and even conversation, in general, isn’t the kind that brings joy and laughter. There are a few exceptions — you know who you are — but you guys are few and far between.

We are all worried, hurt and angry or looking for something to be worried, hurt or angry about? We talk about doing the right thing. We can talk about Jesus and how much we love God. But is it all just talk? Can we back it up with action?

What if for one day — this day — we only chose love? What if in every circumstance throughout this day, LOVE? And what if we didn’t just choose to keep it to ourselves. What if we decided to spread the love? To send loving thoughts to each person, we encounter whether online or in person? What if every time we wanted to label, judge or show anger, we loved instead?

There would be no hate, no political back and forth, no animosity towards anyone — not even a person who might seem to deserve it.

Loving those who hurt us is probably the biggest challenge. Fear is up front and center for sure.

So what if we loved those who hurt us? Then we decided to trust that the hand that made us will take care of us, and we no longer have to be afraid of anyone or anything? It would not mean we would have to continue to let people hurt us or even spend time with them. Would we be releasing old dead weight and making room for new and wonderful experiences to fill the space we just cleared?

In the end, what is the worst thing that could happen if we spent a day loving? I can’t think of even one bad outcome, can you? We might even find that it works miracles. Wouldn’t that be a treat?

I’m still not sure how this whole life thing works, but I am convinced that love is a major component.

Please let us not forget that love doesn’t just need to be handed out — we need to love ourselves too. And we need to forgive ourselves. We need to let go of all of our past mistakes and perceived shortcomings. Everything that happens is going on for our greater good whether we can realize that or not. When we can realize it — which isn’t always easy — we begin to turn the corner, and life looks different. Joy returns, and we see opportunities instead of obstacles.

The biggie is we can’t get there as long as we are judging, arguing or trying to prove our points.

LOVE heals, it builds bridges, and it grows our souls. I’m in. How about you?

Much love!


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